Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Little Things

Today, my 43 year old uncle got married for the first time in his life.  It was a small wedding, with just family and their closest friends, which was nice.  Velma asked me to sing at the ceremony, so I sang the song that I sang at my mom and Neal's wedding six years ago.  It was great just to be surrounded by family!


On our way home, my brother and his girlfriend (Hannah,) and I were talking about how some people notice little details about people--their mannerisms, in particular.  I found out, for example, that Hannah changes the placement of her straw when she is sipping from a cup. She'll take a sip with the straw in the right corner of her mouth, then the next sip from the middle of her mouth, and then again on the left side of her mouth. My brother (who is not the first to notice) told me that I swish my drink around in my mouth every time I take a sip of my drink.  Tiger Woods swings his driver and kicks his leg out immediately after hitting a good drive. 

This got me thinking about other "little things" that I have not been attuned to about people. I saw on Twitter the other day my best friend since second grade eats all the way around her sandwich and then saves the middle bite for last. We've been friends ALL that time, and I have never noticed that little thing about her.  It made me wonder what I have been missing by just not paying attention to the little details about people! Leave a comment and let me know what little things you do that other people probably wouldn't immediately notice about you! :) 

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