Thursday, June 21, 2012

But You Can't Slow Down...

Monday night was my "Meet and Greet" for AUSL.  I got to meet all of the mentor resident coaches, and a few of the fellow teachers who will be in my cohort for the training year. The Meet and Greet was held at the National Teacher's Academy...where I had my very loooong interviews for AUSL in December.

I remembered what they said to us at the end of our interview day, "Look to your right and left, you could be looking at someone who will become your friend and your cohort next summer." At that point, I was just trying not to get my hopes up, and it just seemed so far away. Being there again this week, I just felt so proud of myself for going completely out of my comfort zone to become a teacher in this organization. 
On another note, I can not believe that in TEN days Letteer moves into our new place! :o) Then I'll be up there less than a week later! :) It is finally starting to sink in now that I am down to just two weeks. So far everyone in my family has been really supportive--except my grandma. She is who I am closest to at home, so it's no wonder that she would be upset.  She won't tell me she doesn't want me to go, but she gets teary every time I bring it up. I think it will take me awhile to get used to not coming home so often to see her and everyone else, but I will adjust...I'll have to. :) 

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