Monday, June 4, 2012

Time for a Change!

This has been such an exciting (and a little scary) past couple months.  I have made the decision to accept my job offer with the Academy for Urban School Leadership in Chicago! :) That means I will start earning my Master's from National Louis University in Urban Education in July, then this fall I will start teaching for five years in an inner-city school in South/SW Chicago! :o) I am so excited to get started with this new chapter in my life.

I have spent the last three  months looking for an apartment in my new city. I had met a girl through the AUSL program, but she decided to take another job opportunity. Then I started looking with a girl who I met through my first roommate, and that also ended up falling through. Fortunately, this was all happening at a time when Letteer is also looking to move to a new (more affordable) place. SO... after deliberating for about three weeks, we came to a decision to look for a 2br place together!! I am so so so excited to take this step with Letteer.
On May 22 (my golden birthday), Letteer took me APARTMENT HUNTING! :) The last place we looked at, we both fell in love with! It was a 2br vintage greystone, and it was GORGEOUS.  It had a huge kitchen, a garage, and so much charm.  However, we were only one couple out of 35 others who loved it so much. Although we were ready to cut a check right then, the landlord wasn't ready to accept our offer, so we had to wait a few days to hear back.  Fortunately, Letteer is very persistent, and stayed in close contact with the landlord.  That Saturday, Letteer called to tell me that WE GOT THE PLACE! :o) So here it is...

It is such a relief to know that when July comes, I have a place to live, and not only that, it is with my best friend! :) I am comforted and overjoyed to know that I will have him with me as I start this journey in the Windy City!

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