Sunday, June 10, 2012

I said, "Yes!"

On February 12, 2006, after picking me up at my house, the boy I had been talking to for over two months asked me to be his girlfriend. I was fifteen and he was seventeen. :) 

Six and a half years later....

Letteer asked me to be his wife today! We have grown up together, and our relationship has gotten stronger every year.  We have been inseparable since 2006, and I can't ever imagine life without Letteer.  He's my best lucky am I to get to marry him? :) 

I have not stopped smiling from ear-to-ear, since he asked me. He has made me the happiest girl in the world---as cliche as that may sound!

So here's how it went down.... ;) 

After church and lunch with Letteer and his family, Letteer asked me when we got back to his parents, if I wanted to go on a bicycle ride.  I was wearing my dress, but thankfully Letteer's mom offered to let me borrow some of her clothes for the ride. :) 

We rode to a wheat field after awhile, and Letteer told me I looked pretty, and he wanted to take a picture of me standing in the wheat field. I laughed, and he asked if I remembered one other time we did this.  I did...the first summer we started dating, Letteer did the same thing. So, at this point, I was starting to suspect something...but I climbed into the field, and he took a few pictures on his phone.  After taking the last picture, Letteer "dropped his phone." But when he bent down to pick it up, he took out the ring and stayed down on one knee... I was already crying by this time, so I wasn't sure what he was saying until after the fact, but he said, "You may not be the same girl I fell in love with six years ago, but you're still the girl of my dreams. I love you. Will you marry me?" ...And you know the rest! :) 

I can't believe that Letteer was able to surprise me.....I thought I would see it coming, but I really didn't. He completely shocked me today! I'm so unbelievably happy and I can't wait to be Brittany Lewis!!! :o) refunds ;) 

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