Sunday, July 8, 2012

This is Really Happening!

This has been such a quick and emotional week. On Thursday, I said goodbye to my two best friends. On Friday, I said good-bye to my dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, aunt and uncle. Then yesterday was the big day! We loaded down my step-dad's truck, and I moved up to the Windy City. We even took my POS car that I've had since I was 16, and fortunately it didn't fall apart on the way. :) The move was easy, and I didn't take out my stress (too much) on my Mom, Neal, and Letteer during the day.  It feels good to have my room set-up and over half of the rest of the place organized and ready to go. 

So, today is for buying curtains for our large fishbowl windows and all kinds of other touches of home. :) Today is also for resting, because tomorrow I sign my contract for AUSL and begin grad school. YAY. :) 

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