Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Time flies when you're having fun...

I can not believe that I have been in Chicago for almost two months now! Time has really flown by. Not only that, in just FIVE days I will be starting professional development at Curtis! :o) AHH! I've been working in the classroom with Marquita and Sara to get everything set up for our kiddos, and I have a feeling that this is going to be a great year!!

In other news, Letteer and I have a new addition to our family. Meet Eva!!
We adopted this precious girl from PAWS Chicago on August 12.  I finally got Letteer to take me to PAWS...just to look, of course. ;) We filled out an adoption survey, and looked at the kittens and young adults room.  After wavering between three cats, while in the young adults room, we looked up and saw Eva peering in at us through the glass from a separate room.  So, we asked the volunteer with us if we could see her.  

Apparently, Eva was in the Level 2 room, which means that she has a bite on her record.  So, the volunteer had to get someone who was Level 2 certified to take us in, plus we signed a waiver before we went in to see her.  While we were waiting to be let in, we could see how playful and curious Eva was.  She was standing against the window pane, looking at us again.  Once we got in and were able to actually be around her, we saw that she was as playful, sweet, and curious as she seemed.  The bite on her record was from her previous adoptive parent who was bit while putting Eva in her pet carrier.  That owner brought Eva back to PAWS after just five days there. Now, if you are a cat person at all, you would know that most cats HATE to be put in their pet carrier, so it is not odd for a cat to bite at that time. 
Letteer and I decided that Eva was the best choice for us, and we took her home that day. We've had her for almost two weeks now, and I haven't regretted the decision yet! Eva follows us all around the house and meows at us to let us know she's looking for us. I'm sure Letteer would agree with me when I say that the house feels more like home now with our Eva, kitty. :) 

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