Sunday, August 5, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I came back to Frankfort on Friday after classes. It felt so weird having Frankfort as my destination for a weekend away, instead of Chicago! But it has definitely been a good time being home for a few days. I have had a chance to see everyone at home that I wanted to catch up with, and I still have time to just chill with my family. 

On Friday afternoon, before I came home, I received a call from my mentor teacher, Marquita. She is SO wonderful.  I can already tell that we will get along so well.  I am feeling really positive about this after having a not-so-great student teaching/mentor teacher experience. Marquita seems genuinely excited to have me in her room, and I can hear and feel the passion that she has for her students and  teaching! I am so ready to be around people who actually want to teach! It's so inspiring and contagious when you are surrounded by people like that.

I am looking forward to tomorrow. My mom took the day off, so we are going to get pedicures and go shopping in Lafayette. It will be awesome to have some time with just the two of us before I head back to Chicago. Oh, and I might be sort of excited to get back home to Letteer! ;)

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