Monday, February 17, 2014

You know when you just get it...

Today was the perfect day.  I had a grand total of 9 kids show up for school because of the ridiculous amount of snow that was coming down all day. It was a beautiful Monday miracle.  It was just so nice to be able to give all of my attention to 9 precious kinder babies! It was the perfect day to just slow down, enjoy my students, and remember why I chose this profession.

This afternoon, I had just finished teaching a whole group math lesson on adding two numbers between 1-10 with a number line. After teaching the lesson (complete with human number line!)  I had set the students loose on their independent work, and I was checking in with individual students to see whether they were catching on to how to complete the problems on their own.

I had conferenced with all the students about common mistakes they were making, but I noticed that there was one student in particular who was still completely confused and had gotten every problem wrong on our worksheet. This is one of my very low babies who is actually beginning the process to receive special education services.

I pulled him to another table to work with me, and I had him do 5 more problems that I made up. I taught him a new way to try it.  After 3 problems, he was getting the right answers on his own, and after completing the last one correctly, I got really excited and did a little cheer for him.  He threw his arms around me in the tightest kindergartener hug I've ever gotten, and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Lewis!!"  I literally had to choke back the tears.  That moment right there is what this job is all about.  Truthfully, there is nothing more rewarding than knowing you helped a child experience success.

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