Monday, September 10, 2012


So, here it's supposed to be my students' second full week of school, and instead of greeting them at the classroom door at 7:45 this morning, instead I slept in until 9:30 this morning... Under other circumstances I would probably be happy about this, because who would really rather be working instead of relaxing at home?...However, the reason I am at home and not teaching is because the Chicago Teachers Union is on strike until further notice.

They gave their walk-out notice last night at 10pm...

Here is what the CPS School Board President, David Vitale had to say about negotiations:

...and here is what Karen Lewis, head of Chicago Teachers Union had to say:

So, I am at home until further notice! If the strike continues through Wednesday, then on Wednesday I will go to National Louis to continue my Master's coursework. If not, I will be back in school teaching!

I am just glad that AUSL made the decision for us to not have to cross the picket lines to teach.  I would rather stand in solidarity with the Chicago Teachers Union than to go against them, and I do believe in the demands they are making.  Teachers deserve respect!! It's just sad that it has to come to this, but something has to be done about it!

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