Monday, July 30, 2012

Life in Grad School

The past three weeks have been jam-packed with classes, research, readings, and papers. I am exhausted and my brain is full from so many new ideas. I am the busiest with school that I have ever been in my life.  It feels like I don't have time for anything else...Funny, because at the AUSL meet-and-greet, Scott Sullivan warned us it would be this way.  He told us to be prepared to tell friends, no sorry I can't hang out this week, I have to read. I thought that since I was coming out of undergrad, my study habits would be fresh, so it would come easily to me. Since then, I have been reading about 200 pages (give or take) each night, with additional assignments on top of that. Tonight is the first night that I have had a chance to actually process anything that has been happening!

In the midst of being so busy at school, I have met some pretty spectacular people in my cohort!  I have made a couple friends that have definitely helped me get through these last couple weeks.  I don't feel so homesick now, which helps out tremendously.  I've gone out bowling and for drinks with a couple of the girls.  Letteer even came out with all of us.  

Letteer and I have had visitors every single weekend since I've been up here.  The first weekend it was my mom, Neal, grandma, and grandpa. The next weekend it was his parents, and then last weekend it was my dad and Shawn.  Now this coming weekend Letteer will be going to NYC with Rob and Danny, and I'll be heading home for the weekend!  I am ready to have a weekend just to stay in one place and not do a thing...but I have a feeling those days might be gone! :) 

On Friday, I found out my placement for my training year at AUSL.  I will be at Curtis School of Excellence, teaching second grade with a girl who is already in my cohort, Sara.  I am SO glad that we got paired together, and I can't wait to start teaching on September 4th! :) Our school is on Regular Track, which means we start later, but we have shorter breaks than Track E schools.  But, I am COMPLETELY fine with having a month off from course work. So, this Friday will be my last day of going to class every week day.  I will only have to go on Fridays after that. I will be enjoying this break as much as I can, because the real work starts in the classroom on September 4th! 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

This is Really Happening!

This has been such a quick and emotional week. On Thursday, I said goodbye to my two best friends. On Friday, I said good-bye to my dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, aunt and uncle. Then yesterday was the big day! We loaded down my step-dad's truck, and I moved up to the Windy City. We even took my POS car that I've had since I was 16, and fortunately it didn't fall apart on the way. :) The move was easy, and I didn't take out my stress (too much) on my Mom, Neal, and Letteer during the day.  It feels good to have my room set-up and over half of the rest of the place organized and ready to go. 

So, today is for buying curtains for our large fishbowl windows and all kinds of other touches of home. :) Today is also for resting, because tomorrow I sign my contract for AUSL and begin grad school. YAY. :)